Ambassador Farukh Amil callled on Vice Minister, Land Infrastructure, Transport and Trourism (LITT) Ryosei Akazawa and Mr. Hiroshi Sakurai, Parliamentarian

      Ambassador Farukh Amil (فاروق عامل) called on Vice Minister, Land Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (LITT) Ryosei Akazawa, and together with Mr. Hiroshi Sakurai, Parliamentarian.  The Ambassador highlighted the Prime Minister’s focus on energy and infrastructure projects underlining the importance of developing an integrated urban transportation system for Pakistan’s major cities especially Karachi and Lahore.  The Ambassador stated that the Government was evolving comprehensive transportation infrastructure for the country to meet the challenges of the 21st Century.  As part of the integrated transportation plan, the goal was to further expand the modern motorway network.  The Ambassador called upon the Japanese Government and corporations to participate in the development with their expertise and technology that would be beneficial for everyone.