Tokyo (July 4, 2013) –Ambassador Farukh Amil (فاروق عامل) delivered a lecture on Pakistan’s history, culture, politics and economy and Pakistan-Japan bilateral relations to the students of International Department of Senshu University.
The Ambassador highlighted the long history of business links. The predecessor of the Bank of Tokyo had a branch in Karachi in 1925 and after independence since 1953. At the 1951 San Francisco Conference Pakistan was the only country from South Asia who attended and advocated Japan’s right to be treated with respect and dignity, he added. The Ambassador expressed the deep appreciation of the people and Government of Pakistan for the development assistance and in particular during natural calamities. Japan was admired in Pakistan because of the unconditional help and assistance rendered with mutual respect and in the framework of human dignity. He praised the role of JICA and JETRO for building basic infrastructure such as the Pakistan-Japan Friendship Tunnel in Kohat and promoting trade.
The Ambassador stressed the positive role of Pakistan in UN global peacekeeping since 1950. As a responsible member of the international community, Pakistan had deputed men and women from its military and police forces as UN peacekeepers in the world’s most difficult conditions and places. Many had laid down their lives. The lecture was followed by a lively question answer session.